Rabu, 17 Juli 2013

Schools Abroad

So this is my first post in full of English in my weird blog. So I am really sorry if it is make you confused when you read it, my English was not good yet. :D. Have a good comment! Remember, it is my convince opinion. :D
So I will write down my opinion about schools abroad.
What? Do you mean schools abroad like schools abroad? Why you do not write about panda in Africa, or something funny in Japanese reality show or something such as Indonesian fact that will make us laugh?
So, here we go.
After we passed the national senior high school we usually confused to choose the university where we want to. There is a domestic school and abroad school. Who would not want to study abroad? It seems like everyone wants it. I was one of them.  The graduate’s students from prestigious universities like a graduates from abroad school is usually "most wanted".

Schools abroad have many advantages and disadvantages when we compare it to domestic schools. First, we had the opportunity to learn a foreign language in the country of our destination. Because by mastering that language it will help us in our daily lives in school and day. Then, we will find the book that we can not be found here, because the budget of education from the Indonesian government is still very low when compared to other countries, like our neighbor country Malaysia and Singapore. Thus, the books in the library are still lacking and incomplete. If we compare with abroad we can improve our knowledge in that country because they have a lot of books that written directly by their scientist there even it is more expensive then. And one of the most important is their learning culture. We will indirectly follow their culture in their country. Of course we do not want to look weird. Because of this, it will help us more disciplined and will be able to make it as a positive habit when we arrived home. I mean the positive cultures.

If we refer to the financial side of our destination state, we should choose states which were already developed. If the state of our destination were already developed, we could collect money as a part-time employee, and then the wages is enough to us to live day to day. It is possible when we can separate our time wisely. Scholarships and sponsorships are also typically having large amounts and we can save it. And one of the most exciting things is having friends from abroad, even as told by several people who had to adapt abroad that there is usually difficult. That is one of the disadvantages. In addition, we will be very far away from our family and can only be connected through mobile phones and other. Exactly we can not connect as “live”.

I think we will fear to parting with our families. When we imagining that we will alone there for the first time, we will think twice then. Language difficulties also seem to be a problem that must be overcome. It is different when it using the English language, because it has been taught since we were on elementary school in Indonesia. Different education system In Indonesia, over the years we are taught to listen to the teacher or teacher teaching where students just participate passively, that occurs most. Of course we have to adapt to this situation if we want to graduate with great predicate. So I think studying abroad is required to “fill” our life experience. If you think you like challenge I mean. It is very rare chance. So we will have a chance to get to see our homegrown from different perspectives and learning culture and positive culture with superb technology. Live is only once so there is only one option we should choose for each step of our life.

Senin, 15 Juli 2013

Tips Bepergian

Saya akan sedikit membahas tentang bepergian. 

Saya punya beberapa tips yang tentu saja akan berguna jika anda percaya pada tulisan saya.
Ingat! Jika anda percaya!

Well, langsung saja.

Jika anda adalah tipe orang yang senang bepergian, anda perlu membawa 3 items selain dompet yang tentu saja berisi uang dan kartu tanda pengenal anda yang sah. Dan 3 items itu yang akan saya deskripsikan di bawah ini.


Jangan sampai anda lupa membawa benda sakral ini kemanapun anda pergi, selalu tempatkan sarung di dalam tas kecil anda. Ingat! Tas kecil anda! Jangan sampai benda ini anda taruh di tas kecil mantan anda! Anda tidak mungkin berharap lagi!

Human is Weak

Saya bakalan nulis sesuatu yang agak nyeleneh, sok English pula.

Apa itu?

Udah baca aja.

Ketika kamu diberikan kesempatan untuk melihat semua hal yang tidak bisa kamu sentuh, what is the first thing you see there? Yes, there (nunjuk-nunjuk kepala).

Apakah itu sesuatu yang kamu liat, apakah itu sesuatu yang kamu tidak sentuh atau juga sesuatu yang bahkan tidak kamu pikirkan?
I guess so.

Oke, saya punya dua buah botol kaca yang kosong,
salah satunya saya isi dengan tepung terigu sedangkan yang lainnya saya isi dengan gula halus putih.
So, it looks like each other huh?